Telephone dodge-pole with a Honda Civic

Even the best of the best fail eventually, but this illegal street racer who almost wrecked a Honda Civic Si into a telephone pole inside of a residential area was definitely not the best. This guy sucks at driving, and it's obvious the way he over-corrects into an immediate fail. Always remember that cars bend, poles do not! Had their not been a culvert to slow down the speeding Civic, he surely would have taken out the pole. A telephone pole, aka a utility pole is a very resilient structure designed to withstand years of natural and unintended abuse. Typically made of pressure treated wood designed to repel fungus, insects, and Civics; there's not much that can take down the most popular man made structure on the face of the planet. What if the Civic had actually hit the utility pole? That's what we'll be discussing today.

For those of us in Florida, we all know how strong the Southern Yellow Pine species is compared to other forms of wood. They withstand hurricanes, fire, and the dire Floridian environment. For these reasons, Southern Yellow Pine is the most popular material used to construct utility poles. Southern Yellow Pine isn't actually a specific species of tree, but a group of coniferous yellow wooded trees. Loblolly, Longleaf, Shortleaf, and Slash pines are the varieties generally termed as SYP. They may be different types of trees, but their qualities remain the same; strong, resilient, and long lasting.

Why can't the Civic beat the almighty Southern Yellow Pine? SYP's are known to live up to 500 years, allowing for a very dense cellulose fiber to form. The bark and wood is nearly the hardest vegetation known to man, and to top things off it's also one of the most flexible trees out there. SYP's will sway in the wind and practically go parallel to mother earth before falling to the ground. For those of us who've lived through a hurricane, we all can testify for the strength of the all mighty Southern Yellow Pine.

Let's get our head of the trees and take a look at the real issue behind this video. The problem I have with this video is that this guy is clearly street racing in a residential area. What if someone was walking in the frontage property? What if there was an innocent child around the corner crossing the road, or chasing a ball? Sometimes I just wonder what goes through people's minds these days. Street racing on the highway is one thing, but racing in a residential area is totally disgusting. This wasn't safe in even the slightest bit, no matter how you look at it. Obviously he can't control the car, otherwise he wouldn't have lost it around such an easy corner. What a loser!

Video content: Honda Civic wrecked into telephone pole

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Source: Tampa Sports Car Examiner

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